Chris the Fish wrote:
It was taking so long for the (unpaid) Moderators to deal with the section it was unviable. You only had to look at the huge number of "Locked" threads to see the problem.
Problem I foresee is the number of locked threads that will now appear to all of us.
At least the Scottish section could be ignored by those of us that dislike personal attacks.
If I remember correctly "Me" being embroiled in a bit of a ruck with one or two over the years, was guilty of requesting a bit of moderation re language and personal insults, to only be told (words to the effect of) "If we moderated the language and insults then we may as well shut down THE FORUM".
Some decorum was needed and for that matter still needs to be introduced. To actually shut a forum because one was ticked off with a reasonable very dictatorial, flying in the face of the free speech that has been the case for many years on here.
If the mods are feeling overworked then standards need to be reinforced
after posting notice of change, should that fail then perhaps more moderators need to be put in place. With regards to personal attacks I will only give it back when the OP has has started it, working on the basis that it is not being moderated, and there is no such thing as a free slap. Having said that - personal attacks have been allowed on all parts of the forum not just the Scottish section. One in particular from the Scottish section posted more disgusting insults than anyone else in the English/Welsh/Irish section of the forum......and nothing was said. On that basis whose fault is that for forums getting out of line......."Give them an inch - and they will take a mile".
P.S. A section that has obviously not been read by many for quite a long time.
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All it needs is to be enforced, then there will be no need to take whole forums out, and tbh a worse time to do it, could not have been picked.
Personally I am not looking for a scapegoat, but! where does the blame if any, actually lay? Whilst I am for free speech, from where I am standing there are limits as to how far members should be allowed to go. The rules are clearly set out and all it needs to bring us up to speed in an ever moving world is enforcement....perhaps the forum can then be more civilised.
Banter within reason is fine - personal is not.