StuartW wrote:
Gotcha, Callum - some councils seem to use old numbers once they've been surrendered, and obviously there will be a smaller number of revocations.
Other councils seem to just continue issuing plates in a numerical series, so over the years the higher numbers will misrepresent the number of extant licences. I'd guess Wolverhampton is one of the latter if there are plate numbers into the 50,000s knocking around. And that the number on the online database is more representative of
current numbers.
And 30,000 or so current plates certainly looks consistent with the kind of official numbers that have been mentioned following FOI requests, or whatever
Don't know how up-to-date the numbers in the online register are, but they certainly seem to be changing from day-to-day. And plates have gone up by about 160 since I looked a few days ago

The end is nigh for us drivers anyway - humans. Just had a look at Inshur's Policy wording and they have a separate section for autonomous vehicles lol. I think there are bigger issues for the dinosaurs that claim cross border hiring is the killer in the trade (not for the customer though).
There was a post on some Blackpool Business Page that caught over 1,500 comments, a huge reaction. Although the majority were positives from the public saying Uber is a great choice, the rest were disgruntled Blackpool hackneys claiming it's illegal, drivers are of them has devoted his life on driving them out of town by helping Police and Local Enforcement; yet every case he's shown were nothing related to Uber's being uninsured for working out of their council district/area. Those that have been done were simply violating standard PH policy, i.e. parked on ranks, no insurance regardless for PH anyway only personal, loading too many passengers 5 or more in a 4 licensed vehicle...
I don't think there will be a law change to define it being illegal - it's here to stay now that autonomous vehicles are to be tested in 2026. I mean that'll be the ultimate finisher for everyone since there will be no boundaries, they'll pick up and drop off wherever - which is already being done right now. Why displace customers from getting a cab just to please the small minority of drivers?