last episode about my PH badge which ends when my 12 month medical ends (10 months after it was issued...)
My badge expires October 21st, the anniversary of my medical.....
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email.
As you have paid for a 1 year licence your renewal application will need to be submitted before 4th December 2023. If you apply for your renewal application after this date, you will need to apply as a new driver and provide all new documents.
Amit Kumar
Licensing Officer
City of Wolverhampton Council
Dear Sir,
Further to our conversation and your emails, the medical requirement is that after the age of 65 a new medical must be produced every year that is the reason why your licence is issued to October so it runs in line with your medical.
If you provide me with a new medical certificate 1 week before your licence is due to expire, I can look to extend the licence.
Thank you
Amit Kumar
Licensing Officer
City of Wolverhampton Council