Can't quite work out why we have to pay such fortunes for printer ink.
It's called the Razor and Blades Model - sell the razor cheap and then make the money on later sales of the blades. Well recall that from when I started shaving c. 1978.
So printers seem very cheap now compared to when I bought my first one in the 1990s. They suck you in with a cheap deal, then try to make their money back by selling the ink for a fortune.
Wasn't always like that - recall my first inkjet in the 1990s seemed a major purchase, but don't think the ink was quite so dear. Often printed out hundreds of sheets per week back then, and possibly tens of thousands in total.
But I've only had two printers in over twenty years - my second one was cheap, with the usual combined scanner and photocopier now, which would have cost a small fortune as separate items when I bought my first printer. But the price of the ink means I've hardly used it. It's actually been idle for years, and suspect total printing while I've had it would only number a few hundred sheets.
But I hated reading from the computer screen back in the day, but hardly ever read anything anywhere else these days. Certainly months since I've picked up a newspaper or magazine, and possible a few years since I've even bought one.
So the price of ink and gradually getting used to reading stuff onscreen means my printing days are effectively over.