I was just wondering if anyone had renewed recently? I’ve just had my renewal through with TFP (Aviva) and it’s up £150. The broker tells me all the quotes are up around 15%. Can anyone verify this.
Mine went *down* by a similar percentage last August.
As I speculated at the time, might have been due to lower claims etc because of lockdown. In fact, there was this in a recent letter from Paton's, which was actually mainly about a new booklet they'd sent about their claims procedure:
Paton's Insurance wrote:
The amount of miles that drivers have been accumulating and the times of day that taxis are being driven has changed dramatically throughout the year, and as a result, the number of road traffic accidents has declined hugely.
However, as the country takes each cautious step towards a return to 'normal', people movements increase and therefore, our roads get busier, and unfortunately, more accidents happen.
So I'm certainly not expecting another reduction when I renew in 10 weeks or so, in fact I'm expecting my 15% or so reduction to be reversed, and if I get away with that and no further increase, I'll be happy